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monthn[$honap+0].' '.$nap.'.'; break; case 3: $ret = ''.$ev.'. '.$this -> monthn[$honap+0].' '.$nap.', '.$this -> weekdayn[$hetnapszam]; break; case 4: $ret = ''.$honap.'. '.$nap.'. '.$ora.':'.$perc; } return $ret; } function own($id , $type=false) { //$type true if comment //$id id in the table global $sql; if ($type == true) { $sql -> db_Select("macgurublog_com", "blogcom_rid", "blogcom_id=".$id); $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); extract($row); $id = $row['blogcom_rid']; } $sql -> db_Select("macgurublog_rec", "blogrec_uid", "blogrec_id=".$id); $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); extract($row); $id = $row['blogrec_uid']; return(USERID == $id); } function gety($ts) { //in ts //out string $t = getdate($ts); return sprintf('%04d', $t['year']); } function getm($ts, $isstr=false) { //in ts, boolean //out string $t = getdate($ts); if (!$isstr) { return sprintf('%02d', $t['mon']); } else { return $this -> monthn[$t['mon']]; } } function toym($ts) { //in ts //out ym $t = getdate($ts); return sprintf('%04d', $t['year']).sprintf('%02d', $t['mon']); } function tots($ym) { //in ym //out ts return strtotime(substr($ym, 0, 4).'-'.substr($ym, 4, 2).'-01'); } function isdif($a, $b) { //in ts, ts //out boolean $a = getdate($a); $b = getdate($b); $ret = false; if ($a['mon'] != $b['mon'] || $a['year'] != $b['year']) { $ret = true; } return $ret; } function nextm($ym) { //in ym //out ts if (substr($ym, 4, 2) == '12') { $tb = strtotime((substr($ym, 0, 4)+1).'-01-01'); } else { $tb = strtotime(substr($ym, 0, 4).'-'.(substr($ym, 4, 2)+1).'-01'); } return $tb; } function istham($ym) { //in ym //out boolean global $sql; $ta = $this -> tots($ym); $tb = $this -> nextm($ym); $c = $sql -> db_Count('macgurublog_rec', '(*)', "where blogrec_date>=${ta} and blogrec_date<${tb}"); return ($c > 0); } } $mgb = new macgurublog_class; ?>
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